JSSC Matric Level Cut Off 2024: Check JMLCCE Expected Cutoff Marks for All Categories

The Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission (JSSC) conducted the Jharkhand Matriculation Level Combined Competitive Examination (JMLCCE) 2024 on September 29, 2024. This exam is a crucial step for candidates seeking various positions in Jharkhand government departments that require matriculation-level qualifications.

As candidates eagerly await the results, understanding the expected cut-off marks is essential for assessing their chances of selection.

JSSC Matric Level Exam 2024

JSSC Matric Level Cut Off Marks

Exam Conducting BodyJharkhand Staff Selection Commission
Exam NameJharkhand Matric Level CCE (JMLCCE)
Total Score100 Marks
Negative MarkingNo negative marks
Passing MarksGen/OBC: 40%
SC/ST: 35%
Official websitejssc.nic.in

Exam Pattern and Structure

  • Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)
  • Subjects covered: General Knowledge, Mathematics, Science, Reasoning, and Jharkhand State Affairs
  • Strict adherence to examination guidelines at various centers across Jharkhand

Expected Cut-Off Marks for JSSC JMLCCE 2024

CategoryExpected Cut-Off Marks
General/Unreserved (UR)62-67
Other Backward Classes (OBC)57-62
Scheduled Castes (SC)52-57
Scheduled Tribes (ST)48-52
Economically Weaker Section (EWS)55-60
Persons with Disabilities (PwD)43-48

Factors Influencing Cut-Off Marks

  1. Vacancy to Applicant Ratio: The number of available positions compared to the total number of applicants significantly impacts the cut-off marks.
  2. Exam Difficulty: The overall complexity of the questions in the JMLCCE 2024 plays a crucial role in setting the cut-off marks.
  3. Candidate Performance: The overall performance of candidates in the exam influences the cut-off marks for each category.
  4. Reservation Policies: Government reservation policies for different categories affect the cut-off marks for respective groups.
  5. Previous Year Trends: The commission may consider cut-off trends from previous years while determining the current year’s cut-offs.

Selection Process for JSSC Matric Level 2024

  1. Written Examination: The primary screening method, conducted on September 29, 2024.
  2. Document Verification: Candidates who clear the written exam will undergo a thorough document verification process.
  3. Merit List Preparation: Based on the written exam performance and document verification, a final merit list will be prepared.
  4. Appointment: Selected candidates will receive appointment letters for their respective positions.

How To Check The JSSC Matric Level Result 2024

  1. Visit the official JSSC website: www.jssc.nic.in
  2. Navigate to the “Results” section on the homepage
  3. Click on the link for “JMLCCE Result 2024”
  4. Enter your roll number/registration ID and password
  5. Submit the details to view your result
  6. Check your qualifying status and marks
  7. Download or print the result.


The JSSC Matric Level Cut Off 2024 is a crucial aspect of the Jharkhand Matriculation Level Combined Competitive Examination. While the expected cut-off marks provide a general idea, candidates should remember that these are estimates and may vary in the final result. The actual cut-off marks will be determined by the Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission based on various factors, including overall candidate performance and the number of vacancies.

Candidates are advised to keep a close watch on the official JSSC website for the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding results and cut-off marks. Regardless of the outcome, this examination serves as a valuable experience for all participants in their journey towards securing a government job in Jharkhand.

As the results are expected to be announced in November 2024, candidates should utilize this time to prepare for the next stages of the selection process, including document verification. Stay positive, focused, and prepared for the opportunities that lie ahead in your career path with the Jharkhand government.


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